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  [Aroid-l] Philodenron Burle-Marxii?
From: lbmkjm at yahoo.com (brian lee) on 2008.04.16 at 21:38:29(17413)
Dear Steve,

Aloha. This is another case of plant name confusion.

I grow this plant and I got mine from Roberto himself.
Unfortunately, I cannot fill in much information
about the origin of this plant. The plant you have
illustrated is, Philodendron 'Burle-Marx Fantasy'. I
do not believe it to be a hybrid, but I am not sure.
It is a slow grower and as it matures it loses the
markings. I have seen it with 8 inch blades,but I
have never seen it blooming. As a vining plant, it is
surprising to me how slow it is...but I do not
fertilize and perhaps my horticultural attention is

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