From: lbmkjm at (brian lee) on 2008.04.16 at 02:26:46(17402)
Dear Steve,
Aloha and mahalo for forwarding news of Joep's stroke.
I am a latter correspondent with Joep, but he has
from the outset been very accommodating to my
questions and comments. He has sent me nice photos of
habitats , plants, and his one gets
attached to his personality very quickly.
Add my best wishes to him and his family to offset
this sad news. I do remain optimistic that he will
have a complete and speedy recovery. I anticipate and
expect that we will have a long and fruitful
friendship via email after he is back to fine form.
Aloha from Hawaii,
Leland Miyano
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--- ExoticRainforest
> I wanted to pass this along to everyone. Many of
> you have likely never met Joep Moonen, but to
> several of us he is a dear friend, especially Dr.
> Croat, Ron Weeks and Julius Boos. Joep and I have
> been trading email almost daily for nearly two years
> and although I've never had the chance to shake his
> hand he is certainly a dear friend to me. He often
> verifies facts for me for my website as well as
> furnishing photographs.
> If you don't know, Joep is Dutch and runs a center
> in French Guiana that takes plant and animal nuts
> into the rain forest of French Guiana, northern
> Brazil and Suriname. He has quite a few plants
> named after him including Philodendron moonenii,
> Anthurium moonenii and the highly sought after
> Philodenron "joepii" which is not a species but am
> unusual natural hybrid. Please remember Joep
> Marijke and Bernie during this tough time for the
> family.
> Steve Lucas
> -----
> Dear friends ,
> I just want you to know that Joep will be not in
> touch for a while . He is hospitalised since
> yesterday with a stroke , he loose force on the
> right sight of his body by a veine because of to
> high blood pressure . They will do all test possible
> and with good physiotherapy and exercise he will get
> his strenght back in I hope a couple of months .
> Sorry for this unhappy news .
> All best regards , Marijke
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