From: Steve at (ExoticRainforest) on 2008.03.28 at 01:35:22(17251)
Helmet, I appreciate your compliment. But even more, I appreciate your input! I am simply curious and often drive Dr. Croat, Julius Boos, Leland Miyano and quite a few others crazy with questions! May I have your permission to edit part of this and use it on the page? It helps to clarify several points I would like to make.
And since you are the first person I know who is familiar with this genus, do you know anything about Rhaphidophora graeffei from Samoa and a species from Guam which I had been lead to believe was being named Rhaphidophora guamensis? The later does not appear to be published. I've been looking for any information on either in an attempt to help another collector.
Thanks again for the excellent input!
Steve Lucas
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Hi Steve, Hi all!
I am now growing raphidophoro tetrasperma for a couple of years. My first sample I gathered - as cuttings - from the Federal Gardens in Vienna / Austria; and it was not difficult to multiply it. The experts, overlooking a very wide range of ancient collections going back to 19th century, had simply named it "Philodendron mima". My next experience was, to find that item as seedlings from my favorit (commercial) seedlings supplier in Florida, who still trades it under the "trivial" name Epipremnum "Ginny". I have bought a sample and now I am multiplying this extremly strong grower vegetatively. I offer it on ebay under the trivial name and it became very popular as a terrarium plant (strong and resistatnt to physical stress). I am ashamed, not using the right taxon, but "Ginny" became so popular, that I still have not changed it, nevertheless I have learned meanwhile it to be Raphidophora tetrasperma. At least I have mentioned the correct name in the products description on ebay.
A similar problem I do have with Raphidophora decursiva, since we have a very old and well developed specimen in the HBV (Vienna Botanical Garden), where I gather cuttings (in the treetops in a height of seven or more meters) once each year. Over the years I had defined it as Epipremnum pinnatum, as I had known it from habitat in NE Australia. With the help of Peter Boyce I have learned the detailled difference, to the actual definition. It is Raphidphora decursiva. This also is very rare in Europe and I am one of the few, offering cuttings of this species commercially.
There are many more unidentified species in my collection, where I find it extremely hard to distinguish Monstera, Amydrium, Raphidophora, Epipremnum, Pothos ect., esp. when they come from old collections of historical rarities of uncertain provenience.
I appreciate your function, Steve, as an initiator for professional discussions. Believe me that is very helpful and invaluable for aroiders.
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