From: StroWi at (StroWi at on 2008.03.25 at 09:20:03(17213)
a quick search with google scholar gave some hints that gibberellic acid
can trigger flower induction in araceae.
The problem in your case will be that it is uncertain when the
application should be done (foliage/tuber), if it should be repeated and
which concentration should be used.
I did not do any further reading, but might find some time later.
This only as a quick response.
Happy growing/flowering,
| +More |
Hormonal control of inflorescence development in plantlets of calla lily
(Zantedeschia spp.) grown in vitro ZeitschriftPlant Growth
RegulationVerlagSpringer NetherlandsISSN0167-6903 (Print) 1573-5087
(Online)HeftVolume 42, Number 1 / Januar
Vered Naor1, Jaime Kigel1 and Meira Ziv1
(1) The Robert Smith Institute for Plant Sciences and Genetics in
Agriculture, Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Quality
Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, P.O. Box 12,
Jerusalem, 76100, Israel
Abstract ?Hormonal control of flower induction and inflorescence
development in vitro was investigated in photoperiodically day-neutral
calla lily (Zantedeschia spp., colored cultivars). The effects of
gibberellins (GAs, 5.8?2900 M) and the cytokinin benzyl adenine (BA,
0.4?13.3 M) on inflorescence development were studied in plantlets
regenerated in tissue culture. Plantlets were dipped in GA and BA
solutions prior to replanting in new media. GA was mandatory for the
shift from the vegetative to the reproductive stage. GA3, GA1 and GA4
had the same florigenic effect. Inflorescence development in the apical
bud was observed after 30?50 days in GA-treated plantlets grown in vitro
and resembled the pattern occurring under natural conditions. The
transition from the vegetative to the reproductive phase was
characterized by a swollen, dome-shaped apex that transformed into a
smooth elongated apex surrounded by the spathe primordium, at the tip of
the elongating peduncle primordium. Floret primordia developed in
inflorescences at a more advanced stage. The female florets located at
the base of the primordial spadix, could be clearly distinguished from
male florets located above them. BA did not have an effect on flower
induction but, in the presence of GA, BA at concentrations up to 4.4 M
enhanced inflorescence differentiation. The results indicate that
inflorescence development in Zantedeschia plantlets in tissue culture
can serve as a potential model to study the role of GAs and other
factors in the flowering process of day-neutral plants that do not
require external signals for flower induction.Benzyladenine -
Day-neutral plant - Flowering - Geophytes - Gibberellins - Shoot apex -
Tissue culture
Titre du document / Document title
Gibberellic acid-induced flowering of Syngonium podophyllum schott
'White butterfly'
Auteur(s) / Author(s)
HENNY R. J. (1) ; NORMAN D. J. (1) ; KANE M. E. (2) ;
Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s)
(1) University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Science,
Central Florida Research and Education Center, 2807 Bin ion Road,
Apopka, FL 32703, ETATS-UNIS
(2) Department of Environmental Horticulture, P.O. Box 110670,
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, ETATS-UNIS
R?sum? / Abstract
Syngonium 'White Butterfly', growing in 1.6-L pots and treated in August
with a single GA[3] spray at 250 to 2000 mg.L[-1], flowered within 86
days. Mean flower number increased with GA[3] concentration. Flowers
were normal in appearance and were fertile. Chemical name used:
gibberellic acid (GA[3]).
Revue / Journal Title
HortScience ?(HortScience) ?ISSN 0018-5345 ? CODEN HJHSAR ?
Source / Source
1999, vol. 34, no4, pp. 676-677 (7 ref.)
Langue / Language
-----Original Message-----
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 18:04:57 +0100
Subject: [Aroid-l] Initiation of Flowering in Amorphophallus
From: "Tom Croat"
Fellow Aroiders:
? ? ? ? ? My Director is anxious that we flower Amorphophallus titanum
which we have had here for many years. ?It has always been an
embarrassment that we, among all the institutions in the world
practically, have not flowered this species even though we have had the
species from the earliest days. ?Anyway, I am now asking for advice from
those of you who have flowered this species if you know of any way it
can be induced to flower. I know that many of you do not actually want
your plants of Amorphophallus to flower but if you have any ideas about
what would induce these ?lazy? plants of mine to flower (short of
killing it) please let me know.
Tom Croat