From: Steve at (ExoticRainforest) on 2008.03.02 at 00:36:33(17113)
I received some great responses privately on my request for information on Alocasia 'Reticulata' which appears to be simply a variation of Alocasia zebrina! I always appreciate the help from those on the Aroid l forum who are willing to offer good observations and scientific data I can't locate on my own. I included a quote from Pete Boyce which he sent last summer on a different but related subject which helps to clarify a bit of this "plant mystery".
Also, my sincere thanks to LariAnn Garner and Julius Boos for their input and a public thank you to Deni Bown since I borrowed a passage (with credit) for this page from her book Aroids, Plants of the Arum Family. If you are an aroid collector, and don't own a copy, buy one now!!
Pete, if you're lurking out there and have any additional input, I'd very much appreciate being able to use it. And Alistair, if you are lurking, any information from your recent revisions on this genus that may be pertinent would be most appreciated. Here's what I've got so far:
If any of you find errors, please let me know so I can work out the kinks. The page is not posted to the search engines just yet but you can find it via this direct link.
Steve Lucas