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New Zealanders....
From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.01.18 at 21:24:38(171)
Greetings to the folks downunder from New Zeanland... Would someone be
kind enough to contact the Rastalls and let them know that Ginnys photos
are on the ID Center for the web page and to, if possible, have them over
for tea so they can see them... I am confident that Ginny and her husband
do not have access to the Web from their home... It would be nice of you
to help them... If you need phone numbers or addresses... I can supply
them via private post...
Many thanks,
| +More |
Dewey E. Fisk, Plant Nut
Davie, Florida 33328
FAX: (954) 680-0305
e-mail: plantnut@shadow.net
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