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  [Aroid-l] flowersforme123- another photo stealer
From: atetzlaff at rogers.com (ALLAN TETZLAFF) on 2008.01.07 at 04:26:19(16924)
This seems pretty odd to me. I don't see that we need a copyright issue.... what happened to basic manners? .... someone writes an article, takes a picture, writes a song.... does it take a rocket scientist to know that when you want to use something that does not belong to you, it is simply proper to ask? And sorry, but I don't buy that 'can't find' bit. If you can find the image, you're on the page of whoever it (hopefully) belongs to. There are photos on lots of sites that I have taken, and I was asked for those photos and permission to use them. When people say they don't understand why it's a big deal.... sorry, but I know people who are not intellectual wizards that still have manners.

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