To: "Discussion of aroids"
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2008 3:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Aroid-L Moderation
> Steve you definately have a time consuming job on your hands. You're a
> better man than I Gunga-Din.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Steve Marak"
> To: "Discussion of aroids"
> Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 10:57 PM
> Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Aroid-L Moderation
>> Good comments, Harry. As you obviously know, maintaining any sort of
>> forum
>> is more work than it appears on the surface even if you choose a complete
>> laissez-faire approach, and - in my opinion at least - that tends to work
>> no better here than in many other places. Those few lists I'm still on
>> which do let anyone post anything any time tend to have a very high
>> noise-to-signal ratio, and lots of vitriol and bad feeling. Most lists
>> now
>> have been forced by the spammers to restrict posting to members only, but
>> even there it is a well-behaved group indeed that does not require the
>> occasional intervention.
>> A few other comments, which may (or may not) be of any interest to
>> anyone,
>> about the group in general and about my "policy" - if something as vague
>> as what I have merits that word.
>> This is a very well behaved group, and most often moderation comes into
>> play for the reasons I mentioned - the odd spam that somehow gets through
>> despite the only-members-can-post setting, or something someone posted
>> unintentionally, or someone who has "poster's regret" (the lesser known
>> cousin of "buyer's remorse"), or, in a few cases, because the message had
>> some other problem - formatting, etc.
>> When something does make it to the list, it's always as the sender sent
>> it, i.e., I never ever edit something someone else sent and then send it
>> on as their words. I may ask people to rephrase something, corect
>> formatting issues, or even ask them if I may discard a post rather than
>> posting it, and - in very rare cases - I may choose to unilaterally
>> discard it. But if it comes through, it's as they sent it. (In theory, I
>> could edit something and send it on as though it came from a list member;
>> in practice, I haven't even investigated how one might do that on this
>> software.)
>> I do reserve the right to not post anything I choose, for any reason I
>> wish, and for obvious reasons I make no promise that I will filter out or
>> not filter out anything, on any particular criteria, or that you won't
>> (or
>> will) be offended by something you see here. That pretty much has to be
>> every listowner's mantra these days.
>> That said, and because it is so much easier to be misunderstood in
>> e-mail,
>> I do make an effort to catch things I think might be inflammatory or
>> offensive, and usually my first reaction is to ask the poster if they'll
>> rephrase it. As another sign of what a good group this is, people are
>> almost always willing to do so.
>> Usually, the touchiest area is inflammatory vs. controversial. The former
>> is not OK, the latter is, but discriminating between the two is hard,
>> because both tend to have high emotional investment and they're not
>> mutually exclusive.
>> Steve
>> On Thu, 3 Jan 2008, Harry Witmore wrote:
>>> We finally made changes and it has not been near as much work. But, I
>>> can
>>> also say we do not even attempt to moderate what members post since we
>>> also
>>> moderate members and it's a very well behaved group as this 'seems' to
>>> be.
>>> Could be there is a great deal of work to make it appear that way.
>>> It's also been the holiday season so that could also have something to
>>> do
>>> with it.
>>> Harry Witmore
>>> Cloud Jungle Epiphytes
>> -- Steve Marak
>> -- samarak at
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