Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden
P.O. Box 80
Papaikou, HI 96781
-----Original Message-----
To: htbg@ilhawaii.net
Date: Monday, December 01, 1997 11:41 AM
Subject: Re: colocasia non-tubers
>No responses yet. I recall have read a similar question once before and no
>one answered that one. Well perhaps you and I will be answering this for
>everyone else shortly. I've photographed all of my tubers and untubers but
>haven't gotten around to adding the images to my website yet. Next spring,
>I'll keep track of which ones sprout and which don't. I'll post results
>and perhaps that will answer our question.
>What I'd love to hear from the academicians here, though, is the purpose of
>the tuber if the "untubers" also germinate.
> Les
>At 12:50 PM 12/1/97 -0600, you wrote:
>>I read your post but never did see an answer to your question regarding
>>tubers for your Colocasia esculenta. I, too, dug mine and have found the
>>same roots coming from around the stem. If you don't mind, what answer did
>>you get? I went ahead and dug mine and they are laying in my basement
>>drying. I don't know if this is good or not. I garden in Southern
>>zone 6. My e-mail address is:
>>If you get time to answer me I'll appreciate it. Thanks,