From: Carla.Kostelac at (Carla Kostelac) on 2007.12.11 at 16:53:27(16805)
Dear IAS Members-
It's hard to believe but it is already the end of 2007 and time for the
last IAS Newsletter of the year! The Newsletter has gone to press so you
should expect to see it in your mailboxes in several days. For those of
you that prefer to view it online (and in beautiful color!), Albert
Huntington has made it available now on the IAS website.
There are many people to thank for making the past year's Newsletter
such a great success. Special thanks go to Albert for his outstanding
layout of the Newsletter which is evident in every issue. I have to
thank all IAS members that contributed interesting articles and
wonderful photographs. Thanks very much to members of the IAS board for
their support and especially to Dan Levin for his direction. And without
input from Tom Croat and his many exciting stories and images, how could
there even be an IAS Newsletter?! Ha! Last but not least, thank you to
Derek Burch for his outstanding editorial advice over the past year that
certainly contributed to maintain the high quality of the Newsletter.
Thanks everyone!
Best wishes in the coming year,