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[Aroid-l] Some More Thoughts on Aroideana/IAS Newsletter
From: soukupvg at email.uc.edu (Victor Soukup) on 2007.12.10 at 16:05:48(16799)
to Members with various wants/needs.
About 20 years ago after the seven independent wildflower societies in
Ohio decided to get together to form a Ohio Native Plant Society, a first
order of business was to decide on a publication to serve the various
wants/needs of the group. This was the birth of the short-lived journal
"Trillium", Journal of the Ohio Native Plant Society. The aspirations for
what would appear were lofty. It would carry scientific articles of
various caliber and discussions of wildflower sites to visit, and
announcements of coming events of statewide importance. Trillium was to be
a quarterly periodical, but due to various problems soon was an annual. It
folded after three years because the only articles were those of the
officers or editors. No amount of pleading, including blackmail (ask me
about details if interested) could drag articles out of would-be
The situation with Aroideana is similar yet different in one important
way. Aroideana has become a primary journal in which research articles are
published. It has a certain standard to maintain. For example, it serves
as the publication site (one of the requirements of naming a new species)
of many new Aroids. Therefore it has a reputation to uphold. The other
articles, all with merit, are the icing on the cake, and cover many
interesting and important aspects of our favorite family --- not just
anyone's favorite genera. I am hoping that my study on the acids of the
seed lipids will be accepted when ready.
The Newsletter, I think, serves its purpose adequately, sometimes
brilliantly. That is where news of events, ideas about cultivation, etc.
should appear.
How could we make things better? Before we opt to publish Aroideana as a
quarterly, let us remember what happens when you give a party and no one
comes. You have to have articles waiting to be published and we know that
the editor is regularly asking/begging for papers for the once a year
format. I'm sure everyone would be willing to an increase in dues of $10 -
20 dollars for a quarterly journal if it was of the same quality. But you
must have the articles!
I am not advocating for change or for status quo I just hope that
everyone will take a good look at what we have before wanting to move on,
and what they will be willing to contribute to make any new form a success.
Been down that road,
Vic Soukup PhD
| +More |
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0006
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