-----Original Message-----
From: aroid-l-bounces at gizmoworks.com
[mailto:aroid-l-bounces at gizmoworks.com] On Behalf Of ju-bo at msn.com
Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2007 12:02 AM
To: aroid-l at gizmoworks.com
Subject: [Aroid-l] FW: Aroideana/IAS news letter--thoughts.
Sent: Fri 12/07/07 10:41 PM
Reply-to: Discussion of aroids (aroid-l at gizmoworks.com)
To: Discussion of aroids (aroid-l at gizmoworks.com)
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Dear Aroid Friends,
[Especially Derek, Tom, Betsy and Jason!!]
I THINK I`d like to add my voice to this cacaphony.
First off, my hope is that the lurkers who have negative comments ''come
forward into the light'', as it were, so we can talk and discuss the
issues concerning the content of ''our'' journal, Aroideana.
My take on ALL the recent issues of Aroideana stretching back several
years is that they have been close to a perfect balance of
scientific/taxonomic content (see Jason`s break-down, below---thanks,
I savor reading them SLOWLY, like I savor a good wine by taking small
sips, or nibbling on TINY slivers of my late mum`s rum/fruit cake made a
month ago from her recipe with ground fruit which has soaked in rum and
cherry brandy for over two years.
Do I like equally "like"/enjoy ALL the articles in Aroideana?? NO. But
the majority I do enjoy, and I eventually do get to reading all of them!
To once more ''beat a dead horse'', unless the MEMBERSHIP steps up to
the plate and submit drafts on ANYTHING dealing with aroids (as Derek
and everyone else must be TIRED of saying/pleading), Aroideana will stay
as a VERY high quality journal dedicated to Aroids, with a variety of
interests covered.
The IAS newsletter is another matter, I REALLY enjoy receiving it, and
the articles are very entertaining! GREAT work, Carla!!
Issues and subjects beyond those covered in Aroideana and the IAS
newsletter I firmly believe are best covered (and I believe presently
are covered!) in the discussions on forums like the Aroid-l pages, the
UBS web site and others like these.
I leave it to the IAS board to decide if we can afford more than one
issue a year, and if the number of issues is increased, what the format
and size might be---color or B+W, but the SIZE will be critical. Those
who are calling for four issues a year MUST bear in mind what the old
Aroidanas consisted of, B+W only, three or four short but EXTREMELY
informative articles, they consisted of just a thin ''magazine'' stapled
together ( I am presently researching an issue in Volume 2 now!), so I
can already hear the ''screams'' of complaint from those accostomed to
the WONDERFUL large and I am certain COSTLY issues with color, which
Derek Burch, our present (and for the ''abuse'' which he endures,
grossly ''underpaid'') Editor has managed to produce for our pleasure.
ENOUGH said from my corner!
Thanks a million to those who have contributed to this discussion, and
Derek, keep up the GREAT work!
Julius Boos
>>Dear Betsy:
This is a nice response! Thank you for replying. Remember that Derek is
proposing that Aroideana be published several times a year and in color
so it really would be very different from the existing item. It is true
that it might not be conducive to encouraging new writers to submit but
hell, we have had no success up to now (more than 20 years of trying) in
getting people to submit articles despite the form of publication.
From: aroid-l-bounces at gizmoworks.com
[mailto:aroid-l-bounces at gizmoworks.com] On Behalf Of Betsy Feuerstein
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2007 10:45 AM
To: Discussion of aroids
Subject: [Aroid-l] Aroideana vs. Newsletter - food for thought
Perhaps it is for the general membership to realize that the Newsletter
has become so much better and fun to read that it is OK for Aroideana to
be taxonomic rather than cover both sides of the fence. I feel certain
Carla, the Newsletter editor, would be delighted with offers of articles
from the membership and just maybe, this is the place for little
articles on more interests by amateurs to be established. I complained
for a long time about the only technical aspect of Aroideana but just
maybe we can be OK with it all since the Newsletter has become so much
better. One could suggest that we have only one project by combining the
two, but I personally like getting the Newsletter more often. Now, it
may become a financial situation to contend with and that would leave an
option open for less cost with one publication and one mailing per year.
This is a good reason for individuals to pay their dues because we do
get in a timely manner, the publications these days. I can remember when
all was years behind and some gave up on the cause, but now, that is not
an excuse. I know the holidays are here and paying dues is not what one
wants to hear, but maybe come the first of the year, some of those who
do reep the benefit of Aroid-l and shows and such will find a way to pay
the dues for 2008. Think about it. We have some very dedicated
individuals who do a really good job working on our behalf these days.
Let's us do our part by making sure our dues are paid. Of course, if we
want more subjects and our amateur members have knowledge, it is going
to take those individuals to step up to the plate and offer their
expertise in comments and articles so the rest of us can become more
informed. It would seem to me that the Newsletter would be great place
to get one's feet wet by writing on some subject that interests you. Or
even to propose a question for others to answer.... even a shorter forum
and less frightening. Start by letting it be known what you want and
then by participating when it all gets going.
----- Original Message -----
From: "mossytrail"
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2007 9:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] FW: Aroideana - and help to get it
>> Dear correspondent,
>> I am very glad that this has reached me [an interesting
>> letter on the contents of Aroideana - ed], and I have to
>> say that, as editor I cold not be more aware of the fact
>> that Aroideana has very little to offer much of the
>> society's membership. How to correct this is another
>> matter.
>> The Newsletter is getting
>> better and better, I think, while in Aroideana we remain a
>> place of good quality taxonomic material and very little
>> else.
>> So, is your
>> sharing of experience on either topic actively in your
>> computer even as we correspond ? Bashful about writing? I
>> can do it for you if you give me an article in rough form.
>> Not interested in these topics? Well, what the hell are
>> you interested in, and why I haven't I been told about it
>> directly, with an offer for a contribution as part of the
>> communication?
> Well!
> I don't know who's been complaining about what, but I
> maintain my membership for professional reasons -- to stay
> abreast of Aroid research in ANY line of enquiry, taxonomic
> and otherwise. I always assumed the main purpose of
> Aroideana was precisely to be an outlet for this kind of
> specialized work; otherwise we would publish in BioTropica,
> Actum Botanicum, or any number of more generalized journals.
> To me, the newsletter is just icing on the cake -- it is
> fun to read about collecting expeditions; but the point of
> those expeditions is to find the new species described in
> Aroideana.
> And I must say, when I contributed my first article 5 years
> ago, I was pleasantly surprised I did not have to pay a
> per-page printing fee. I learned at university that most
> journals charge the authors.
> Nor am I sure I know what you mean when you say "taxonomic
> material and very little else." In the most recent issue,
> there were 17 articles, of which only 3 were taxonomy; 4
> were about floristics, 3 were about horticulture, and the
> remaining 7 about a variety of other topics.
> It seems to me those with a serious interest in some
> particular subject, are already doing work on it and writing
> about it. So if there is something some reader wishes to
> see covered, the best advice I could give would be to start
> by writing about what you yourself have learned; someone
> else reading that article may then be inspired to jump off
> from there.
> Jason Hernandez
> Naturalist-at-Large
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