From: dburch23 at (Derek Burch) on 2007.12.03 at 01:38:58(16768)
Dear correspondent,
I am very glad that this has reached me [an interesting letter on the
contents of Aroideana - ed], and I have to say that, as editor I cold not be
more aware of the fact that Aroideana has very little to offer much of the
society's membership. How to correct this is another matter.
I have opened the subject of Aroideana contents a number of times in various
forums, from the august, almighty board to conversations with real people. I
should be very pleased to bring us into a situation where the journal was a
good reason for belonging to the society - goodness knows there is little
enough else that members get unless they come to the annual meeting. The
Newsletter is getting better and better, I think, while in Aroideana we
remain a place of good quality taxonomic material and very little else.
However, that 'little else' does include ethnobotanical things, and
historical material, and, as of the last issue, an attempt to bring in the
very practical aspect of seed sowing and early seedling growth :intended to
be the first of a regular series of similar forums. However, any part of
this depends on the material submitted. Did you respond to my request on
Aroid-l for your experience to add to that issue on seed growing. And have
you let me know what the next compendium for the coming issue should address
as a practical topic? I have asked for submissions on storage of corms
and/or on aroid recipes for particular communities. Response - one promise
of an article (I can always count on Julius for food ideas). So, is your
sharing of experience on either topic actively in your computer even as we
correspond ? Bashful about writing? I can do it for you if you give me an
article in rough form. Not interested in these topics? Well, what the hell
are you interested in, and why I haven't I been told about it directly, with
an offer for a contribution as part of the communication?
I'm afraid that without member's (or nonmember's, come to that) submissions
and the exchange of ideas, Aroideana is going to stay as dead in the water
as far as you are concerned as it has been for some time. You will have to
remember that your membership goes to subsidize some aroid research which
might not otherwise happen, or decide that the money might be better spent
in starting your own publication that more meets your needs. I would
understand completely, but I wish you luck in getting people to write for
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