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Re: rooting plants from leaves
From: Don Martinson <dmartin at post.its.mcw.edu> on 1997.12.01 at 17:10:23(1673)
>I have tried several other Amorphs since then with mixed success, which is
>what I expected. Some are fairly easy, requiring only a relatively small
>piece of leaf and with an average success rate of 2/3, while others won't
>strike - for me - no matter what I do.
>I can't tell you what the difference is, but I can usually tell by looking
>at the leaf of a species whether I'm going to have any success with it.
>-- Steve Marak
>-- samarak@arachne.uark.edu
This is very interesting, Steve. What species have you had success with,
and what are the leaf characteristics that you look for?
Don Martinson
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