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  [Aroid-l] bulbifer bulb
From: ronmchatton at aol.com (ronmchatton at aol.com) on 2007.10.02 at 21:07:20(16379)

First, it really doesn't matter which surface you put up.? These bulbils do not have a pronounced growing point and, if you what them as they sprout, it can happen just about any place on the surface of the bulbil and I've seen several points green up simultaneously but rather quickly one of them will become apically dominant and the others are just sort of resorbed into the bulbil.

Am. bulbifer can be stored dry and I've even had bulbils as small as the head of a hat pin survive sitting on the shelf.? You can pot it now and not water it or you can drop it on the surface of a little pot of potting medium and watch it.? The last several seasons, I've rounded up the bulbils that are produced and dropped them on the mother plant pot.? That works pretty well and you don't lose them.

Ron McHatton

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