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  [Aroid-l] unusual Anthurium berry
From: Steve at ExoticRainforest.com (ExoticRainforest) on 2007.09.10 at 21:42:28(16259)

Can't argue with logic. Dr. Croat did indicate when I was last in his office Anthurium schlechtendalii should have an erect peduncle with a pendant spathe. I may have to wait for him to return from Ecuador for a clarification, but the shape of the spadices in the grower's photos are not a close match to the photo he verified. I'm attaching a photo of the spathe and spadix which he verified to be Anthurium schlechtendalii. In the case of this spathe, it fell pendant within days. It also developed a full head of berries and remained erect until the red berries were harvested and planted in pots. However, I understand the variableness of the species. Dr. Gon?alves informed me in an email last fall the peduncle should be longer than the spadix which is the case in both photos.

Steve Lucas

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