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  [Aroid-l] Epiphytic philodendron culture
From: Steve at ExoticRainforest.com (ExoticRainforest) on 2007.08.28 at 12:37:05(16173)

In personal experience that only "sort of" works. If your plant has begun to morph into a larger blade size it may retain that more adult form but not necessarily continue to morph. At least that has been what I've seen in my atrium. I was given a fully adult Monstera adansonii about one year ago. I attached it to a totem and every new leaf since has been half the size of the original blades. Ron Weeks and others will have better experience than do I. I've resorted to using multiple sphagnum moss totem poles in order to give the plants as much height as possible. You can find those fairly inexpensively on the net.

Steve Lucas

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