From: agoston.janos at (Jan Agoston) on 2007.08.25 at 08:36:34(16161)
Hi All,
I have the "seldom spotted" here at home, but it didn't flowered yet. It was purchased as Sauromatum punctatum, which was told by experts, that it is only a form of the T. venosum. For me it is smaller than the others (T. venosum and "Sauromatum guttatum" which are also synonims, which is true, cause they were cross pollinated and now the fruits are ripening), but the leaw segments were wider, and also less segmented. The others were around 90 cm (~3 feet) high. Well of course we have had an unusuall hot and wet summer, often chanageable, which may have influence on the plants.
Unfortunately they are now in a rest so no more foliage for this year...
My opinion is that this is just a form of the Ty. venosum, not a cultivar. Cultivar for me means that it was breed by somebody.
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----- Original Message -----
From: Brian Williams
To: Discussion of aroids
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 12:43 AM
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Thyphonium nubicum vs Typhonium venosum 'IndianGiant'?
This giant form is different in over all size my plant of the regular form grow to 1 to 2 feet while this Indian Giant form grows to 4 feet tall or more. The stems are different as well the regular form is highly spotted while the giant form has much fewer spotting. The leaves on the giant form also tend to be wider as well and less dissected as the more common form. The flowers as far as I can tell at identical and this may be just a odd selected seedling or a tetraploid. Here are some photos showing the differences.
Here is a pic of the common form with the highly spotted leaves.
Here is the giant form much fewer spotting and large less dissected leaves.
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