From: "Robert Wagner" <robwagner at> on 1997.01.17 at 20:03:39(161)
Eric, there are a number of fine Aroids that are very tolerant of low light
levels. I think the most beautiful are the Anthuriums. I had 2 species in
an office, A. andraeanum and A. scherzeranum. I should warn you that most
office buildings have rather dry air, but A. andraeanum requires high
humidity. You can try growing it in a pot that is set over a gravel tray
with water, and misting it every day; that's what I did. I am suspicious
that the plants are epiphytic, so even though they like plenty of water,
make sure their drainage is *excellent*, or their roots may rot. A.
scherzeranum tolerates lower humidity than A. andraeanum, and is easier to
grow, but it is perhaps slightly less tolerant of low light levels, and the
flowers are not as large or brilliantly colored as A. andreaenum's (be
aware that some cultivated plants have been bred for less intense color,
and some for flowers that are, quite frankly, unattractively deformed).
Both plants need warm temperatures (preferable 70-80F); they should be OK
but watch out for air-conditioning drafts which could injure them. Put them
as close to the florescent light as possible so that they will bloom well.
Both plants bloom continuously, and the blossoms last a long time. You
should recognize the blossoms of A. andraeanum from florists' shops; they
are very expensive. Yet, as long as they are kept warm, humid,
occassionally fed, and get bright indirect light, they are actually fairly
easy to grow.
Aglaonemas have fairly inconspicuous green flowers, but their leaves have
pretty patterns. They are extremely tolerant of low light levels and
Nearly as tolerant are Spathiphyllums, which have more conspicuous white
spathes in back of their yellowish spadices. These are the ubiquitous
indoor perennials used in dimly-lit shopping-mall plantscapes.
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