>| David G. Bauman Dawn G. Bauman |
>| Collections Botanist Greenhouse Manager |
>| Indianapolis Zoo IUPUI, Biology Dept. |
>| (317) 630-2060 voice (317) 274-0584 voice |
>| (317) 630-5153 fax (317) 274-2846 fax |
>| dbauman@mail.indyzoo.com dbauman@indyvax.iupui.edu |
Be that as it may, David, the Scarlet Runner bean vines in this part of the
continent of North America (Maritime Canada) and, as far North as {The
beginnings of the "True North" :) } Yellowknife, Sweet Peas, are not
_right_ or _left_ "handed". They _will_ try to continue a twist, once they
have something to grasp onto, but they have a haphazard inclination to
spiral in one direction from what I have seen. Indeed, it seems to be in a
vine's nature just take advantage of what support is offered within its
I have left the old Scarlet Runner (and others; Morning Glories, etc.)
vines (don't ask) where they were when our Canadian winter set in. They are
perfectly preserved by the nasty cold winds and frosts, albiet leafless.
(sigh) More clean-up for me to do next spring!