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  Re: [Aroid-l] Pollination in KY
From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at msn.com> on 2007.07.12 at 09:36:59(15972)
Reply-To : Discussion of aroids
Sent : Thursday, July 12, 2007 1:40 AM
To : Discussion of aroids
Subject : [Aroid-l] Pollination in KY

Attachment : Copyof2007trop093.jpg (0.17 MB),
Copyof2007trop095(Medium).jpg (0.04 MB)

Dear Brian,

Thanks for sharing the info. and the photos.
The ants were almost certainly feeding on the nectar, in your second photo
on the R.H. side you can see an ant with its distended abdomen.
My dad who grew Anthuriums always claimed that he thought that ants might be
one of the pollinators of his plants, all of his plants were A.
andreanum-type hybrids, by the way.

Good Growing.


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