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  Re: [Aroid-l] Thoughts on GOOD SMELLING A. bulbifer
From: "C. J. Addington" <cjaddington at comcast.net> on 2007.06.23 at 21:34:23(15840)
Hello aroiders!
I'll just throw in my two cents and agree with Julius here. There ARE
pleasantly scented A. bulbifer, and the biggest one in our school greenhouse
is a prime example. If you stuff your nose right in it at its peak of odor
you get a touch of "natural gas leak", but from a couple of feet away the
overall effect is a floral, slightly sweet, subtle scent. The teachers at my
school have all had an opportunity to smell other species - konjac, henryi,
etc. - and all agree that those species stink up a storm, but they all also
agree that bulbifer is the most pleasant of the bunch. I suspect there is a
lot of natural variation - even within a species - and odor probably can
vary quite a lot.
My other big interest is the genus Arum, and the smells in that genus
are extremely variable. Different clones of Arum sintenisii, for example,
can vary from pleasantly fruity and candy-like, to pungently over-ripe and
rotten, to odorless. The joy of genomes!


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