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  Re: [Aroid-l] Thoughts on GOOD SMELLING A. bulbifer
From: Susan B <honeybunny442 at yahoo.com> on 2007.06.23 at 15:32:51(15834)
Dear Julius and friends,I thought the first bulbifer that ever bloomed for me had a good smell and I commented on this during the original line. But I might have a faulty memory- it has happened before~!This would have been in about 2002 and I think the tuber came either from Plant Delights or Enid. Unfortunately, the tuber has gone to the big greenhouse in the sky- :)Julius, some people simply cannot smell these good smelling aroids. My Arisaema candidissimum smell like cotton candy to me, my husband cannot smell it at all.This morning I walked out on our porch and called to Harry: "I smell gas!!" which is odd since we have electric power. Then it smelled like road kill.... it was only after I read Julius' email that it registered it was an Aroid blooming (albus).P-U!Susan
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