From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at> on 2007.06.23 at 09:55:01(15825)
Dear Amorphofriends,
I have just received a note from ANOTHER friend and grower confirming that
he too has A. bulbifer in his collection which produce good-smelling blooms
which he can display indoors!
I have waited, literally for YEARS, for someone, ANYONE to notice this 'good
smelling' A. bulbifer (THANKS, C.J. !!), as when I FIRST brought this topic
up years ago as I remember it, everyone who pitched in to that discussion
back then said that there was no such plant! They thought that ALL A.
bulbifers stunk! I even remember suggesting that maybe there was a 'ringer'
in this group, perhaps ANOTHER species which might closely resemble A.
bulbifer, but smelt GOOD! All said 'no way!!" So---I retreated into my
shell, shut up, and waited to hear if ANYONE else had experienced or smelt
what I had witnessed at The Mounts Bot. Garden sale those many years ago at
C. Mc. D`s booth!
Now, years later, we have confirmation from TWO NEW people who say that they
too have experienced the 'good smelling' A. bulbifers!
And yes, j b, I too agree that it does not make evoloutionary 'sense' to
have a plant utilizing TWO attractant scents, but then again, it just might
work, as pollinators of DIFFERENT types may still get the job done on BOTH
clones/vars, which, in evoloutionary 'time' (millions of years), may lead to
the production of a recognisable NEW species??!! Cross-pollination of one
var. by the other might be interesting!!
What say yee now, all other growers of this plant?? Does anyone else have
information or suggestions to add to this discussion??
The Best to all,
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