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  Re: [Aroid-l] Helicodiceros fruit
From: "C. J. Addington" <cjaddington at comcast.net> on 2007.05.26 at 01:04:06(15718)
Thanks, Julius!
I always thought this was a tricky species too, until I just started
chunking the babies in my garden and ignoring them. Then they took off and
now I have some really big plants in odd corners of the garden. I may
seriously regret planting so many if they all start blooming at once!
I have grown Dracunculus and various Arums here for years, and they
open-pollinate quite freely, so we seem to have a good cohort of carrion
insects. I see many big hairy beetles and metallic flies all over my freshly
opened Dracunculus blooms.
I am going to collect the seeds once the fruits ripen, and would be
happy to share them with anyone who would like to give them a shot. They do
deserve good homes!

Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

C.J. Addington

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