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  RE: [Aroid-l] Fw: Momma aroid
From: "D. Christopher Rogers" <crogers at ecoanalysts.com> on 2007.04.16 at 16:43:09(15575)

Dracunculus can be dug up right after the plant goes dormant. Wait for the
above ground portion to die and fall over. It must have fallen over. Then if
you can pull the dead portion off with a gentle tug, the tuber will be ready to
dig up. And that is the answer to your other question: it has a large
subspherical tuber, not a taproot. Upon exhuming your tuber, you will want to
take it home and clean it up. Remove any left over roots and dead bits, being
especially careful not to damage the apical meristem (the bit from which the
new foliage will arise). The plant can then be stored dry and dormant until the
next autumn.

Good luck!


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