Steve Lucas Exotic Rainforest wrote:
Brian, you might want to consider using the
Fairchild Tropical Gardens idea of making "fake logs" out of large
diameter PVC pipe with rolled cork bark attached to them. You can use
a variety of joints to create all sorts of shapes. I've made several
large logs and have all sorts of bromeliads, orchids, philodendrons and
other plants happily attached. I'm sure you've seen the Fairchild
display in their orchid and bromeliad room. Mine get watered almost
daily and they are now 7 years old with no sign of falling apart. The
roots love the material and I have all sorts of epiphytes firmly
attached. I used just a very small amount of Liquid Nails to
"encourage" the plants to begin to attach their roots. The stuff is
not cheap, but if you buy it by the bail it is reasonable. One bail
made 16 feet of "logs" for me.
Steve Lucas
Original Message -----
Julius Boos
Friday, February 02, 2007 5:38 PM
RE: [Aroid-l] Off topic protective coating over Driftwood
>From : Brian Williams
Reply-To : Discussion of aroids
Sent : Thursday, February 1, 2007 11:14 PM
To : Discussion of aroids
Subject : [Aroid-l] Off topic protective coating over Driftwood
Dear Brian,
I would dig around a LOT before treating driftwood on which you will be
planting epihites, as the water repellent MIGHT be toxic to plant
roots, and
the 'protective coating chemicals' are probably just that, poisons
to kill mold, bactaria, algae and therefor PLANTS! Read about what
ingredients they contain or what makes them claim to be effective.
I`d go
with the natural driftwood.
>>I was wondering if spraying or painting water repellant or
>>coating chemicals on my drifwood would effect the plants that
grow as
>>epiphytes on them? I was interested in doing this to most of
the pieces
>>being used so I can get more years out of them. Does anyone
know if this
>>is safe for the plants??<<
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