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[Aroid-l] Seeds of Protarum
From: "Tom Croat" <Thomas.Croat at mobot.org> on 2006.12.28 at 18:14:40(15028)
Title: Seeds of Protarum
Dear Aroiders:
Dr. Victor Soukup, a fellow aroider, working at the University of Cincinnati on an analysis of fatty acids in Aroid seeds is nearing the completion of his study but still is lacking seeds of the genus Protarum. This genus has been shown to be highly important in his phylogenetic survey generated by this study. Does anyone know anyone growing Protarum or know of anyone living in the region of the Seychelles where it is endemic. I had the plant in cultivation some years back but with only a single individual I was unable to generate berries. We do not need fresh seeds and can use seeds from herbarium material so long as they are not very old. Does anyone have access to an herbarium where they might have herbarium material of this genus (it is monotypic-one species only). I would appreciate any information you have about the possibility of gettting access to seeds of this species for Vic's study which is a very important one.
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