From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at> on 2006.12.20 at 10:24:24(14967)
Reply-To : Discussion of aroids
Sent : Monday, December 18, 2006 8:23 PM
To : "'Discussion of aroids'"
Subject : RE: [Aroid-l] 'New' commercial aroids in pots
Dear Bill, Enid, Jani and Friends,
Philo. 'Brazil' was new at least to ME since I don`t grow these kinds of
climbing aroids! The other plant in question is NOT a Piper, it is deff.
an aroid, and a VERY interesting one to boot, the color (purplish-green w/
splashes of cream) and especially the texture of its leaves is outstanding,
like leather, but not a rough as P. rugosum. I THINK the guy where I saw
it said it was purchased from a commercial grower in S.W. Florida, and that
he THOUGHT that it was named "Pothos 'splash' "or somesuch, I will corner
him and re-check the name on the invoice ASAP and let you guys know.
Good Growing,
| +More |
They probly bought it from us and are growing it for themselves. It is a
neat plant.
Bill Rotolante<<
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Enid
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2006 7:56 PM
Subject: [Aroid-l] 'New' commercial aroids in pots
The first sounds like Piper ornatum. Looks like a vining Philo from a
distance and has recently shown up in Tissue culture and seems to be at many
foliage growers lately.
Natural Selections Exotics
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