Hi Ted
Was interested to see your posting on the saola and aroids. In the late
1990's I was involved with a UNDP/Lao Forest Department project training
parataxonomists in the northern part of the Lao PDR as part of a NTFP
project funded by UNDP & Danida. While in Lao I met up with Bill Robichaud,
then of WSC, who was studying saola and was one of the first westerners to
successfully get photographs from camera traps. Bill asked me to identify
plants that he had collected from saola grazing sites and these proved to
Schismatoglottis calyptrata (Roxb.) Zoll. & Moritzi, a variable and
widespread species and is common in everwet forest in IndoChina (its full
range is from tropical northeastern Myanmar to New Guinea).
It now seems likely that the saola's primary range is the remote and very
precipitous, not to say very wet mountains along the border between
Bolikhamxay and Nghe An provinces in Lao & Vietnam respectively with
increasing evidence that it most saola and saola habitat in Laos probably
lie outside of Nakai-Nam Theun, in areas of Bolikhamxay Province (and to a
lesser extent Savannakhet and Xekong Provinces) the area (Nakai-Nam Theun)
traditionally considered its main range
Reverting to the aroid aspect, here in Sarawak leaves of Schismatoglottis
motleyana (Schott) Engl. are occasionally sold as a vegetable. used to make
ulam and are favoured for the astringent/sour taste they impart. In Sabah I
have seen leaves of another Schismatoglottis (possibly S. venusta A.Hay)
sold for similar purposes.
----- Original Message -----
To: Discussion of aroids
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 11:36 PM
Subject: [Aroid-l] The Saola and the Araceae
This is a distraction from our usual fare, but I saw an interesting article
on the little-known saola, an exotic bovine. The current Science magazine
(December 1 cover date) contains a picture and written reference of an
unidentified Araceae, which the rare animal is believed to eat. The saola,
also known as the Vu Quang ox, is the last new large animal to have been
discovered. It was unknown to science before 1992. Although they say it is
related to the cow, it looks more like an antelope. The few remaining
individuals live in Vietnam and Laos. The article contains some interesting
information on the animal and its bleak prospects, but nothing about the
aroid save the following:
"The forest ecologist finds safe footing on the slick slope and grabs a
handful of broad, dark-green Araceae leaves. 'Saola like to eat these," [Do]
Tuoc says. 'At least, we have seen bite marks.'"
There is a photograph of Mr. Tuoc holding some nondescript taro-like plants
in each hand (fibrous roots, perhaps 30 cm petiole height).
The saola diet is unknown, save for the hints that it might like tucking
into a luscious aroid. Much of the remainder of the article is a discussion,
pro and con, of the idea of attempting to clone the beast in an attempt to
preserve it.
Anyone having a liking for extremely rare animals can e-mail me separately
and I will send them a pirated scan of the article. I don't think anyone
will mind this violation of copyright as long as we don't sell copies.
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