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  Re: [Aroid-l] Edible Araceae, Aroid art, Wild Bovines,
From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at msn.com> on 2006.12.17 at 13:13:36(14950)
Reply-To : Discussion of aroids
Sent : Saturday, December 16, 2006 5:00 AM
To : "Discussion of aroids"
CC : Wong Sin Yeng - yahoo , Wong Sin Yeng - UNIMAS
, Dr Timothy Hatch

Subject : Re: [Aroid-l] The Saola and the Araceae

Dear Pete and Ted,

Thanks for a great discussion and much information on two of the subjects I
have a lot of interest in, the edibility of the Araceae AND wild Bovine
Does anyone know if perhaps the genus Schismatoglottis may contain less of
the crystals/compounds that make most other aroids so very unattractive to
browsing animals or man?

What is 'ulam', Pete, a type of curry or stew??
The blooms of Spathiphyllum canifolium are reportedly used and cooked as an
ingredient in curies in Surinam/N. S. America, and I got a recent record of
the blooms and young leaves of Caladium bicolor being cooked and used as a
food in Arima, N. W. Trinidad, W.I., the name used for them there was
'ca-chew'. I`d also like any input from you guys 'out there' on a slide I
saw at the MOBOT conference several years ago, it showed a crudely
put-together table of veggies somewhere in field in Asia (Thailand??), and
amongst them were tied-up bundles of the unmistakable purple-colored blooms
of Lasia spinosa with their spiralled tops.
On another note of interest to some of us, "Aroids in Art" (Steve Marak and
other collectors!), just by pure chance and only this morning while I was
browsing through the illustrations in a book ("The Body", Edward
Lucie-Smith, 1981, Thames and Hudson Ltd., London, ISBN 0-500-233339-X
10-81) (this book turned up after my major home repair), and in it on pg. 91
I came across a reproduction of an old painting by Albert Van Der Eeckhout
(active 1637-1664), "A Tarairiu Woman", c. 1641. It shows a woman in
Brazil who is carrying a basket attached to her forhead by a tump-line, the
basket contains the lower leg of a human, she also carries a severed lower
human arm and hand in her right hand. On the left border of the painting
are shown the unmistakable 'canes/stalks' (erect rhizomes) of the giant
aquatic aroid species Montrichardia linnefera, these canes are bearing three
pineapple-like infructesences, and several leaves. Other aroid leaves are
shown along the bottom right of the painting, but are shown too dark in the
copy in the book I have to be identified. It reports that van der Eeckhout
accompanied Count Johan Maurits of Nassau-Siegen, who led a West India
Company expidition to Brazil, and that v. d. E. illustrated in paintings,
watercolors and drawings and 'on the spot' the flora and fauna, an early
type of scientific and anthropological record.
(Pete, you told us that the seeds of this plant are roasted, and that while
visiting Brazil you tried them, and that they were in fact very good food!)
It would be of great interest to search in the records (in Holland?) and see
what other plants and aroids from Brazil were illustrated by Van der
Eeckhout! (come in, Wilbert H., "Lord Phallus???).

I look forward to comments and any information from you guys out there!



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