IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Hardy Aroids
From: "James W. Waddick" <jim-jim at swbell.net> on 1997.10.24 at 03:48:14(1484)
Dear friends;
This string has turned from Dracunculus to Hardy aroids and I am
surprised that no one has mentioned Calla palustris. This gets to
considerable size, has impressive flowers and fruits and should be hardy
fairly far north - Zone 4, 3?.
Then there's Orontium, Peltandra, and Typhonium,
Zantedeschia..although the latter two may only have 1 or two species hardy
through Zone 6. I'll bet theres other beside the ones we've already talked
about Dracunculus, Arum (various species - I have italicum,maculatum,
orientale and nigrum in Zone 5/6 - others ? I lost dioscorides )
Symplocarpus, Lysichiton, Arisarum etc. (not to mention Arisaema - that's
another robin)
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