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  [Aroid-l] Amorphophallus and Anthurium
From: "D. Christopher Rogers" crogers at ecoanalysts.com> on 2006.11.10 at 22:55:09(14795)

Two separate questions:

1) Can Amorphophallus
taurostigma be stored dry during dormancy?

I was given a very small offshoot of Anthurium warocqueanum, with two leaves less than
an inch in length, and a small root bud. It was removed from the parent main
stem. I have planted it in epiphyte mix (because I do not know what else to do
with it) and put it in the darkest corner of my greenhouse, in conditions that
are similar to where the parent was growing. Can anyone tell me what I need to
do to keep it alive and growing?

Thank you all
in advance!


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