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  [Aroid-l] Anchomanes
From: "D. Christopher Rogers" crogers at ecoanalysts.com> on 2006.10.20 at 16:18:51(14753)

I am new to the list, and I look forward to learning from the various
discussions herein. My interests lie primarily with the tuberous aroids although
I have a soft spot for Alocasias. I mostly grow Arum, Arisema, Dracunculus,
Helicodiceros, Amorphophallus, Anchomanes, Typhonium, Gonatopus, and the like.
I am looking for Biarum, Arisarum, and Eminium.

Anyway, here are my first questions: I was given a plant recently that
appears to be a young Anchomanes. It is only about 60 cm tall. It has the
typical tuber, spiny petioled, dracontioid leaf, and the slowly dividing
pinnae. The petiole is purplish green, with a pale spot above each spine. Is
there any way to identify the species at this stage or do I have to wait until
it matures and flowers? Are there specific characters that I should look for? Three
species are listed on the IAS web site, are there more? I have A. difformis,
and it differs from the specimen at hand in having a green petiole.

Any information, citations, references would be helpful.

Thanks in advance,


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