----- Original Message -----
To: aroid-l@gizmoworks.com
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 9:45
Subject: [Aroid-l] Re: Cyrtosperma
merkusii--the story
> Dear Friends,> > Thanks, Brian, nice
photo!!> While we are on this subject, perhaps someone out
there> may be able to provide us w/ some information on a
couple> of subjects. A good friend has told me that several
years> ago, while visiting Hawaii, he recalls visiting
(he> thinks) 'Lyonn Arborium' (name/spelling?)Lyon
Arboretum. It is up the Manoa Valley, near thetrailhead to Manoa
Falls, on Oahu. Unfortunately (for me),it is only open when I am at
work -- that is to say,weekdays only, closed weekends and holidays.
That sectionof the island, however, is of particular interest --
theManoa Valley/ Mt. Tantalus area has a much greater diversityof
introduced aroids growing wild than I have seen anywhereelse in the
Islands.Off topic, does anyone know> if there are folks here in
the USA who have plants of> native Hawaiian Hibiscus
genera/species in cultivation??> Good Growing,> The Audubon
Center in Waimea, Oahu has extensive botanicgardens, with many specimens
of the extinct-in-the-wildHibiscus brackenridgei. But I doubt they
are available
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