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  RE: [Aroid-l] Cleaning Arum seed
From: Paul Tyerman ptyerman at ozemail.com.au> on 2006.08.10 at 22:42:26(14491)
At 11:05 PM 10/08/2006, you wrote:

Al, you might also wear gloves- I think the pulp is irritating- someone
a long time ago complained about this (I think)

I have a lot of allergies but I didn't find myself allergic to the
aroid seeds, but over the 24 hours after I cleaned them the whole
surface layer of skin peeled off on my fingers where I handled
them. So I guess it is an irritant, even if not an allergy in my case! LOL

Thought this was worthwhile adding as a warning.


Paul Tyerman

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