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  Re: [Aroid-l] Somewhat OT: non-aroid plant articles
From: "Steve Lucas Exotic Rainforest" steve at exoticrainforest.com> on 2006.05.27 at 20:37:03(14311)
I've got a request from a lady who has been sending me emails to help find
an ID for this plant. Looks like a Syngonium to me and Steve Marak but
thought I'd try to give her a better ID than that if possible. This is her

"The leaf is thin and the white part seams to dry out and turn brown. The
normal leaf size is 4-6 inches, but as it grows it seems to get larger. It
will grow just like the pothos, along the ground or climbing. The leaves
mainly stay the same unless I put fertilizer in the pot and then the leaves
will be different. If I give it only watered down fertilizer it stays the
same, half white half green. It doesn't like direct light and the white will
burn. "

Thanks for any help.

Steve Lucas

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