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Re: [Aroid-l] amorphophallus
From: "?goston J?nos" agoston.janos at citromail.hu> on 2006.05.23 at 09:05:46(14288)
Thank you! Now I can sleep much more better (and
learn for my next Xam)! :smile
----- Original Message -----
| +More |
rajshekhar misra
To: Discussion of aroids
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l]
HelloYou don't have to bother. Amorphophallus is
avegetatively propagated plant and new buds will come.You can even
make pieces from the tuber retaining someof the apical meristem portion
and have more plantsfrom single tuber.You may refer my website for
more information.www.geocities.com/rsmisra2000RegardsRSMisra---
?goston J?nos
wrote:> Dear All,> > I bought some Amorphophallus
from Thailand for smoe> weeks ago, but one's bud has been destroyed
over the> shipping. Does anybody know will this tuber shoot>
this year or I have to wait till next year. Every> opinion is very
wellcome! (Picture is in the> attachment...)> >
Bye,> >
Jani>_______________________________________________> Aroid-l
mailing list> Aroid-l@gizmoworks.com> http://www.gizmoworks.com/mailman/listinfo/aroid-l>
Dr.Raj Shekhar MisraPrincipal Scientist & Head Crop
Protection DivisionCentral Tuber Crops Research InstituteSreekariyam,
Trivandrum-695017(India)Mobile Phone No.
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