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Re: [Aroid-l] Anchomanes giganteus
From: "Ágoston János" agoston.janos at citromail.hu> on 2006.03.17 at 05:43:51(13963)
Dear Peter,As I remember it needs an acidic soil. If the soil isn't acidic it starts to turn yelloy and the vegetation period is much shorter, this means that the tuber became smaller. I put it into a 22 cm pot with some Osmocote 15-15-15 and emerged in august, faded in october, in a half shaded position. It was between high plants, so it needs some humidity.Best Wishes, Jani
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Elk?ldve: 2006.03.16 22:04
T?ma: [Aroid-l] Anchomanes giganteusHello all,my Anchomanes giganteus seems to sprout after nearly 7 months!!IAS means that most times this is just an Anch.difformis.Neverthless does anyone know anything about the culture?Currently its start sprouting in an 8 cm pot.thanksPeterPS: Why I had to send a message 3 times to arrive at aroid-l?? :-(---------------------------------------------------------------------------treeferns & aroids: http://www.baumfarn.at/treefern (http://www.baumfarn.at)---------------------------------------------------Amorphophallus network: http://www.amorphophallus.baumfarn.at/_______________________________________________Aroid-l mailing listAroid-l@gizmoworks.comhttp://www.gizmoworks.com/mailman/listinfo/aroid-l
Tanulj meg 2006-ban ANGOLUL, N?MET?L a M?diab?val!3 F?le intenzit?s; 3 Szint; Hanganyag CD-k; Ingyenes konzult?ci?!B?vebb inform?ci? ?s jelentkez?s...
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