zone 6a
Pittsburgh, PA
----- Original Message -----
To: "Discussion of aroids"
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 3:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Amorphophallus titanum seedling query
Hi Paul,
I would say that is quite normal that titanum sends up up to 3 leafs
before it enters the first dormacy.
At least I have seen the with some of by babys. Have a look here:
I have to add that this plant is from tissue culture, however I have
read this about seedlings in an austrian Amorphophallus-forum as well.
I would not repot your vigorous seedling in order not to disturb the
roots. I find the root growth of my plants always poor, but this may be
also due to a suboptimal substrate.
Another point aginst repotting is that these Amorphs are often shown to
grow happyly in rediculous small pots and as they do so, it is probably
only possible by regular and heavy fertilizing. If the feeding is poor
they will show deficiency symptoms before they starve to death and then
it is always early enough to look after propper fertilizing again.
Good growing,
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