From: Eugene Hoh eugene_hoh at> on 2006.01.21 at 08:53:15(13749)
hi everyone,
Surely these are frangipani, Plumeria rubra
The 'giveaways' are what look like petiole scars on
the stem in the middle picture, the venation of the
green leaf in the lower one, and the overall
disposition of the foliage (hm... very scientific!).
Though I haven't seen these variegated ones before.
Growing up in Sydney, the appearance of Plumeria has
been "imprinted" on me - they were planted in
practically every garden in the older parts of town.
As a kid, you quickly learn to recognise the
climbable-looking little trees whose branches, evilly,
snap off and send you crashing to the ground...
Speaking of intergeneric crosses... I'm reminded of
"x Homalocasia", the supposed hybrids between
Homalomena and Alocasia, which I gather were debunked
as a hoax?
As well as "x Homalocasia miamiensis" (actually
Homalomena lindenii, as mentioned in Exotica), there
seem to have been "others". One I saw in York
Meredith's collection back in the 1980s had somewhat
sagittate leaves, variegated a bit like Homalomena
wallisii. (I've not seen it since, but some
Schismatoglottis look suspicously similar...)
Does anyone remember these, or know what the story
| +More |
Eugene Hoh
Sydney, Australia
--- Peter Boyce wrote:
> Folks
> I'm inclined to agree with Wilbert about the top and
> bottom image; certainly
> the leaf emergence of the top image and the venation
> on the bottom look
> 'wrong'. In fact, I'd go so far as to say the bottom
> image reminds me
> strongly of a member of the Rosaceae, Photinia x
> fraseri.
> The middle image I'm not so sure about - to my eyes
> there are two 'aroidish'
> inflorescence/infructescences in the middle of the
> leafy crown. I've tried
> enlarging the image but he quality is too poor to
> reveal anything definite.
> Aglaonema and Dieffenbachia are a fair distance
> apart in terms of
> relationship. Curiously, if someone posted a claim
> of a Aglaonmea x Anubias
> or Aglaonmema x Nephthytis hybrid (or indeed
> Dieffencachia x Gorgonium!
> (sorry Eduardo!) I'd be a lot less sceptical.
> Pete
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Abrimaal
> To: Discussion of aroids
> Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 1:08 AM
> Subject: [Aroid-l] Intrageneric crossing?
> The Aglaonema group is discussing now if
> Dieffenbachia can be crossed with
> Aglaonema... I know that they belong to deiierent
> tribes and have different
> pollination biology, however the Group says to me
> that the Japanese crossed
> Alocasia x Colocasia (the same tribe). Does anybody
> know anything about this
> Alo-Colocasia hybrid?
> Marek Argent
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