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Re: [Aroid-l] Intrageneric crossing?
From: "Peter Boyce" botanist at malesiana.com> on 2006.01.21 at 08:40:18(13748)
Hi Julius
I've looked at the Aglaonema/Dieffenbachia cross and am
suspicious. I posted onto aroid-l but it's not popped up as yet. What I wrote
| +More |
"FolksI'm inclined to agree with Wilbert about the top
and bottom image; certainlythe leaf emergence of the top image and the
venation on the bottom look'wrong'. In fact, I'd go so far as to say the
bottom image reminds mestrongly of a member of the Rosaceae,
Photinia x fraseri.The middle image I'm not so sure
about - to my eyes there are two 'aroidish'inflorescence/infructescences in
the middle of the leafy crown. I've triedenlarging the image but he quality
is too poor to reveal anything definite.Aglaonema and
Dieffenbachia are a fair distance apart in terms ofrelationship.
Curiously, if someone posted a claim of a Aglaonema x
Anubiasor Aglaoneama x Nephthytis hybrid (or
indeed Dieffenbachia x Gorgonidium!(sorry Eduardo!) I'd be
a lot less sceptical.Pete"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 7:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Intrageneric crossing?
> >>From : Peter Boyce >
Reply-To : Discussion of aroids > Sent
: Friday, January 20, 2006 10:49 PM> To : "Discussion of aroids" >
Subject : Re: [Aroid-l] Intrageneric crossing?> > I know that you
are speaking about a Colocasia X Alocasia cross, not the > other shown in
the photos. Pete, if at all poss., check the other 'alleged >
cross', as Dieffenbachia has 2n = 34, 68 chromosomes while Aglaonema has
> 2n@, 60,80, 100, 120 (70, 110) chromosomes. I`m NOT good
at > understanding the above, but they don`t seem compatable if you
compare the > numbers. The sexual structures of the spadix
also look a lot different > (the info. came from TGOA).> I can
believe a cross of Alocasia w/ Colocasia, as these genera seem VERY >
much alike, and the lines seperating these two genera are often 'blurred',
> but the claim of Dieffenbachia X Aglaonema makes me wonder.>
> The Best,> > Julius> > <
same group, a Japanese botanist reported on this hybrid at the > IAS
Symposium in Kunming in the mid-90s. There managed to get very few seed >
and even fewer seedlings but they were successful. the cross was C. >
esculenta with I think A. odora but I'd need to grub out the proceedings to
> be be sure.> > Pete> >
----- Original Message -----> From:
Abrimaal> To: Discussion of
aroids> Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 1:08
AM> Subject: [Aroid-l] Intrageneric crossing?>
> The Aglaonema group is discussing now if
Dieffenbachia can be crossed > with Aglaonema... I know that they belong
to deiierent tribes and have > different pollination biology, however the
Group says to me that the > Japanese crossed Alocasia x Colocasia (the
same tribe). Does anybody know > anything about this Alo-Colocasia
hybrid?> > Marek Argent>
Aroid-l mailing list> Aroid-l@gizmoworks.com>
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