Anyway, back to the topic: I would not recommend a mix containing
either coir (coconut fiber) as it will decompose faster than peat, or
composted bark (personal preference; I don't like seeing the
saprophytic fungi fruiting on the surface of the decomposing bark).
And use as little vermiculite as possible as it does hold water and
breaks down over time too. At the USDA research station I work at we
use Premier Horticulture's Pro Mix (
eProMix/GrowingMixes/fGrowingMixes.htm), primarily for greenhouse
grown citrus culture which requires good drainage. For tuberous
aroids I like to add additional perlite to that mix by about 30%. By
the way, that is not meant to be an official USDA endorsement
either. I see that they do make custom mixes too. The Fafard
company has some good products; no official endorsement meant there
either. Their Mix #2-P looks interesting to me, but you would have
to be willing to match you watering regime to the good drainage that
mix should provide. I see that they do offer custom mixes as well,
and with the volumes of soil you mention you will be using perhaps
the price would work out for you.
Keep us all posted on your search for the perfect commercial mix for
your growing conditions, and good luck with the results.
Best regards and happy holidays, Scott
Scott Hyndman
Vero Beach, Florida
USDA Hardiness Zone microclimate 10B
On Dec 15, 2005, at 1:07 PM, Ken Mosher wrote:
Dear aroiders,
We've heard from time to time what soil mixes different people use
for their Amorph collections. Most of the experienced growers
create a custom mix. I've spoken with several people: Dan Devor
mixes by hand, Dewey Fisk mixes up a pile with a shovel. But Dan is
mixing mostly for his personal collection, even though it's large
and Dewey does this full-time. Ron McHatton modifies Fafard's #3B
with extra perlite.
The mix I have been using just isn't working. One year it worked
great - must have been a fluke of the weather that let me get away
with it. I've determined that even when the top 2" are dry the
lower part is actually wet - the perfect recipe for rot, especially
when I wander by and add more water because they look and feel dry.
I have a problem that I imagine is like what is experienced by
larger growers who are under staffed. I work full time (present
unemployment excepted) and I just can't afford the time required to
create my own potting mix. Nor do I have the stamina to mix up 5+
cubic yards of it all at once in the spring! (I used over 5 yds3 in
2005.) And I've no place to store that much for any length of time
so I can't mix it up now for springtime use. Maybe Tony Avent has
some advice for me.
I turned to the Milikowski catalog for a commercial potting mix
solution. The reason I'm referring to their catalog is convenience
- a new one came in the mail while the subject was on my mind.
I've put a 10-page PDF on my server that includes the commercial
mix section of their catalog. When referring to page numbers I'll
use 1 - 10, not 64-73 (the page numbers in the catalog). http:// is 1.6MB.
If people are interested, and will indulge me, I'll go through some
commercially available mixes that seemed promising. Some of them
are available in bulk, meaning very large bags (60 cubic feet). I
circled the ones I'll ask your opinions about.
It would help if I told you where I'm growing; in New England, USA,
specifically Andover, Connecticut. USDA Zone 5a. Mostly inside a 52
x 22 foot greenhouse but also outdoors for large specimens and
overflow. Growing only during spring, summer, fall. I grow offsets
and small tubers in 1/2 gal square nursery pots, larger tubers in 1
to 3 gal pots, really big tubers in 20 gal tubs.
#1 - on the first page is Sungro's Sunshine 910. Sungrow took over
Scott's Coir-based line of mixes. I think #910 might not be a great
#2, #3 - page 2, Sunshine bark-based mixes (hi Dan!). I point
specifically to Sunshine 500 series and Sunshine PX3. (A brief note
on peanut hulls; I've never seen one breakdown, they seem to last a
long time in my own experience.)
#4 - page 4, Metro-Mix 380 Coir. Catalog recommends for bedding
plants in mid to large size containers. Any good for my 1/2 gal pots?
#5, #6, #7 - page 6, Fafard Mix #3B, Mix #50 and Mix #52. Page 8
gives further descriptions of the mixes; I circled #3B and #52 -
both of which are readily available in 60 ft3 bags.
I didn't single out anything on pages 9, 10, but I included them so
people could see the entire commercial mix section of the catalog.
I've dealt both with Milikowski and Griffin's Greenhouse Supply.
They both have warehouses in Connecticut that I've been to.
If I can make a decision well before spring then I can find the
least expensive way to get it here, such as maybe piggybacking my
order with one of my neighboring nurseries.
Thank you for your indulgence!
-Ken Mosher
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