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  The passing of Dr. Guanghua Zhu per Re: Out of Office AutoReply:[Aroid-l]
From: Scott Hyndman hyndman at aroid.org> on 2005.11.27 at 10:52:21(13575)
Dear Jason,

I am very sadden to hear this terrible news. I knew that Guanghua
was ill, but I did not know that it was so serious. Guanghua was a
wonderful person and a tirelessly gifted botanist that had the unique
gift of being very fluent in both Chinese and English, thus making
him a perfect collaborator for the Flora of China Project. As most
of you probably know, Guanghua was the "Father" of the IAS Website,
and he was instrumental for several years following the inception of
the site in 1996 in helping the site content to evolve and grow. I
will leave the accolades of Guanghua's abilities as an aroid
taxonomist and scholar to those who knew him better than I in those
endeavors. Let it be simply said that world is a lesser place with
his passing.

Regards, Scott

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