I must concur with Lynn's thoughts about seeing so many beautiful plants.
Seeing so many different Colocasias, Alocasias, Amorphophallus, Dracontiums,
Caladiums, Anthuriums, Philodendrons, certainly makes one think about moving
to Florida. Walking around in Dewey's collection is like a tour through
a not-so-miniature garden of Eden.
> Sat. night was the banquet/auction. The 50-60 attending enjoyed a wonderful
> Cuban buffet. . The auction
> was full of big plants and some big prices!!
I was asked to handle the bids for Aroid-lers. And I can say that we sure
do have some serious plants-people among this group. For the Aroid-lers that
I was bidding for, we secured most of the plants that we bid on, but not by
much. I got some nasty looks from some of the locals that wanted these
exceptional plants. I think I overheard rumblings of " Let's kill the
the silent bidder in the back" But at the end of the auction, everyone was
happy and the IAS treasurey was helped.
> I so hope that some of you can make it down next year. It's an exceptional
> experience for the aroid lover. Well worth the trip!!
Again, I wholeheartedly agree with Lynn! The plants are beautiful, and the
people are fantastic. It amazes me that such a high-caliber show can be put
on by so few people. Aroid-l and the memebers of the IAS owe the organizers
a big hand for so much hard work that is need for such an event, Thank you!!!
Rumor has it that there are a few SIGNED copies of 'Genera of Araceae' left.
I would advise all interested persons to contact Dewey Fisk for details. This
is one book that any Aroid-grower should not be without.
Alan Galloway alan_galloway@ncsu.edu
Computing Services, Information Technology
Campus Box 7109
North Carolina State University (phone) 919-515-5483
Raleigh, NC 27695-7109 (fax) 919-515-3787