-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 1:33 PM
To: Bryant, Susan L.
Subject: Re: lily auction website
Good Afternoon Susan
I wish there was a simple answer for you. But honestly would have to
say that it was/ is a lot more work than we had anticipated. There are
several very good computer savy people who work with the Blooming
Auction. But the initial costs were far more than we expected. The
program costs, the changes at over $350 + an hour etc. and bandwidth.
We talked of our own seperate server till we found out that would be run
into thousands for the initial outlay.
There was a lot of time and effort put into the program until it started
running smoothly. Even with the free auction, we make sure there is
always someone "handy" to supervise etc if need be.
Many people have asked why I keep the auction free, but again honestly I
was told it wasn't feasible to do that and this stubborn German female
..... :)
I would have to check with the others, but what we could do is add a
category for the Aroid Society on the auction - - make sub folders if
necessary, and as the auction is free, you could use this one. Your
auction emails could be directed to whomever you choose etc. If you
need an auction where you were charging you could make donation
auctions, where the proceeds go directly to the society.
I hope this helps in some small way, but should you need any further
information, do not hesitate to write.
bloomingauction.com & thebloomingauction.com
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