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Re: [Aroid-l] Arum - minimum temperatures
From: "Marge Talt" mtalt at hort.net> on 2005.10.16 at 06:18:38(13451)
Well, not sure where you are, Peter, but A. italicum var. pictum (or
whatever it really is) is bone hardy in my garden, which I call z7
but borders on 6b. If you're in a similar climate, you could
probably wrap the pot in bubble wrap and leave it out for the winter.
In the garden, leaves flatten when the weather is really bitter, it
snows or we have an ice storm, but they perk up during warmer spells
and they put out lots of new foliage in spring, flower and go dormant
end of June or early July to wake up late August or early Sept.
Those that I have that are not hardy for me winter in my cool
greenhouse, which often gets nearly freezing, where they grow all
winter and then go dormant in summer - I just let the pots get
dry...they may get some water when other things in there get watered,
but not on purpose.
Marge Talt, zone 7 Maryland
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> From: Baumfarn Webmaster
> Thanks,
> I'm afraid but there is no question of planting it deep enough. :-(
> I don't have any garden just a balcony were all the pots are
> Seems that I have to place them inside when the temperatures are
> droping.
> Strangely, most of the Arums and the Dracunculus began to grow at
> end of August. They had a dormancy throughout nearly the whole
> I bought them all this year. I don't know how they were cared
> their 'dormancy before the era of Peter'. ;-)
> thanks
> Peter
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