personal favorite genus, and my rather time-consuming
hobby, so I thought I would throw in my two cents on
growing them (which may be about all it's worth!). Of
the 26 or so "good" species, I am currently growing 23
of them. (I can't quite get hold of A. hainesii, A.
idaeum or A. jacquemontii, so if anyone has them, or
knows where to get them, I'd love to talk to you!)
Overall, Arums are classic Mediterranean
summer-dormant plants. They start pushing out roots in
late summer/early fall (in other words, right now),
grow lushly all winter, bloom in the spring, and go
totally dormant in the heat of summer.
pushing up through the surface of the soil, so now I
can mark them accordingly summer dormant!!!>>>>>>
They like good drainage, and gritty, alkaline soil. If
your soil or water are acidic ( pH less than 7.0 )
they will really benefit from a liberal application of
ground limestone or dolomite. Most hate soggy
conditions (the exception being A. hygrophilum ), and
most prefer some fairly strong sunlight in the winter
for best blooming. A. italicum and A. maculatum will
take deeper shade, but A. dioscoridis, sintenisii and
orientale really want to be out in the sun.
know of their size this year (Forgot to mention Tubers
are size of marbles)In a locally made organic Compost
Potting soil made with Lobster Shells and Fish alot of extra perlite(I have around 40
Sansevierias.. so I've learned about drainage)
there's a bit of eggshell thrown in from the kitchen.
I don't have ground limestone on hand but do have
Limestone grit and perhaps topdressing the pots would
help or incorporating it into the soil? As far as
watering its once weekly whether they need it or not
and they'll be grown inside of my 8 x 12' glassed in
porch with the best south-easterly exposure as I'm
literally 30' from the edge of the water and the only
oak tree in between of course is deciduous....>>>>>>>
All species will really respond well to heavy
feeding, especially with something rich in
phosphorus, like bone meal. During the summer, most
need to go pretty much totally dry to avoid rotting,
and the dormant tubers can in fact be stored naked and
un-potted like potatoes.
soil and the Dyna - Gro shall keep them going well,
I've access to Osmocote as well a 8-9 month though I
can't remember the formulation...Running dry is not a
problem as most of the plants go outside and that'll
be one thing less to have to worry about!!!>>>>>>>
In Maine, I would predict that many of these will
have to be strictly indoor plants. They are
winter-growers, but in a mild Mediterranean climate
where it rarely drops below freezing. I am fortunate
that I am growing my little guys here in the
Sacramento Valley of California ( zone 9 ), since it
hardly ever freezes here, and our summers are long,
bone dry and brutally hot, which they love.
and now that their dormancy cycle is known...kept
indoors for their life as we're about to get our first
frost any day now night temps are around 40-50 and the
cool growing orchids are starting to spike I've
noticed so I shan't be puttting them in jeopardy
anytime soon!!>>>>>>>
Overall, the closer you can mimic a long dry
summer and a mild wet winter, the bigger and better (
and stinkier! ) your Arums will be. Hope that helps,
and if others are growing these beauties, I'd love to
hear what you are doing with them, and how they are
> Cheers,
> C.J. Addington
> Citrus Heights, California
information, perhaps once I get a camera working again
and these beauties rise up and show their faces, I'll
endeavor to post pics...
Kyle Fletcher-Baker, MCN
Yarmouth Maine zone 5
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