IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  [Aroid-l] Additions to IAS webpages
From: "Wilbert Hetterscheid" hetter at xs4all.nl> on 2005.07.28 at 08:08:50(13242)

With the help of Albert Huntingdon, our chairman and, as it turn out now,
also web-handyman, new additions to the generapages on the IAS website have
been uploaded. It concerns some stuff in Amorphophallus (e.g. new:
impressus, vogelianus, and additions to albus, aphyllus, aberrans,
asterostigmatus, bulbifer, coaetaneus, consimilis [doryphorus], dunnii,
elatus, glossophyllus, henryi, konjac, lanuginosus, longiconnectivus,
longituberosus, napalensis, operculatus, opertus, paeoniifolius, salmoneus,
taurostigma, tenuistylis, tinekeae, titanum). Two Eminium species have been
added, many Alocasia, one Homalomena and one Rhaphidophora.

For all this we like to thank: Danny hervelle, David Scherberich, Kris
Kozminsky, Martin Neitz, Ron McHatton, Piet Ruijters, Arno Clement and
Michael ("Mickus") Pascall!! Thanks guys for making your pictures

This is the beginning of yet several more updates with LOTS of new things to
be presented! I'll keep you all posted.


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