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  Re: [Aroid-l] variegated Xanthosoma/Eduardo Gon.
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2005.07.22 at 10:11:01(13218)
Reply-To : Discussion of aroids
Sent : Thursday, July 21, 2005 11:59 PM
To : "Discussion of aroids"
Subject : Re: [Aroid-l] variegated Xanthosoma/Eduardo Gon.

Dear Steve and Eduardo,

It certainly appears that Eduardo is correct, the varigated plant in
question is a true X. saggitifolium. Perhaps a quick history is in
order---previously to Eduardo`s visit tio Miami, the huge Xanthosomas w. the
conspicous bare areas on veins at the juncture of the sinus and somewhat
bullate leaf blades, that produce the 'malanga blanca', the "chubas" dearly
loved by Cubans and us Trinidadians (but NOT Jamaicans!), THEY were
considered to be X. saggitifolum, but when I showed him examples of these
actual plants, (the first I showed him was growing in Fairchild Gardens), he
immeadiately ID`d them as X. cf. robustum, NOT X. saggitifolium.
So after looking around, he decided that many of the plants grown in Cen.
America (like the varigated one) with their sinus almost full to the
juncture, were the REAL X. saggitifolum.
Until Dr. Goncalves completes his work on the cultivated Xanthosomas (and
Colocasias!), we have to be patient, as taxonomy at best is difficult, but
ESPECIALLY so in this group , as they have been studied for years, 'bad'
names have been applied, most incorrectly, so it will take time to untangle
this jumbled mess of actual plants vs: names! Who knows at this point if
X. maffafa or some of the others are valid species or even names!
Good Growing!


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