My feeling is that guys tend to be less interested in
"flowers" and more interested in (as some people put
it here) the "architecture" of plants - how they look
overall, with a tendency away from frilly and bushy
plants towards straighter, larger specimens.
Personally, i've always had a tendency to like
large-leaved tropical plants with strong stems, rather
than the flowers on plants (although orchids do
attract once in awhile)....
--- wrote:
> I have been a peripheral member of several hobby
> organizations over the
> years. Here are my limited observations for growing
> and cultivating type
> organizations on this topic:
> African violets and gesneriads - women dominate,
> numerically
> Cryptocoryne (aroids) - men dominate overwhelmingly
> Tropical fish - men dominate overwhelmingly
> Bromeliads - roughly 50:50, with a slight edge to
> women.
> It would be interesting to know if these
> observations are general or if
> memberships fluctuate over different locations. This
> being an aroid list,
> we must have the records of convention attendance
> and overall membership
> for the Aroid Society.
> It is also interesting to record here that I am a
> chemist. When I began,
> there were very few women chemists. The newer crops
> are coming in much
> more balanced. Maybe the membership populations of
> clubs also change over
> time.
> Of course, there are passive members (my typical
> category) and active
> members. And there are joiners and loners. It is not
> easy to know, for
> example, if many men grow African violets but don't
> want to go to meetings
> where the members are all female. Or vice versa.
> Years ago my mother told me that the local garden
> club was mostly women,
> with a few ardent male gardeners. She also said that
> one thing that
> characterized the men was that they all grew
> Jack-in-a-pulpits. This is
> Zone 5, USA. I have a garden full of
> Jack-in-a-pulpits. I conform to
> profile.>
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